Marsha Wilson

Marsha Wilson was murdered in July 1979. Can you help us find her killer?

Marsha Wilson was twenty years old, blonde with blue eyes. She stood approximately 5’6” tall and weighed 103lbs.

She had only moved to NORTH 29th PLACE, PHOENIX from CHULA VISTA, CA approximately one week beforehand to help care for her 77-year-old grandmother.

On July 28th 1979 WILSON told her grandmother she had met an unknown person at the park near the home and made plans to meet them at the VERDE RIVER the following day.

A neighbour is stated to have collected her on July 29th and dropped her off at THOMAS MALL.

At approximately 1400 HOURS on July 30th, a local Public Safety Officer was flagged down by a motorist near milepost 244.5, approximately 7 miles south of PAYSON on the BEELINE HIGHWAY. He was asked by the driver if he had “come for the body.”

WILSON was found near the guardrail at the side of the highway. The driver claimed to have been travelling along the road when he noticed a “mannequin” and stopped to take a closer look.

The cause of death was found to be strangulation and the body exhibited numerous additional injuries indicative of a violent assault. She was found wearing only a bathing suit. Semen was found when intimate samples were taken.

Approximately one week after WILSON’S body was discovered, an anonymous letter was sent to GILA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE stating the author had seen WILSON being picked up on the highway.

The case has been re-opened twice, in 1988 and 2016, but remains unsolved.

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